Zipper was born in Oct of 2005. We adopted her from the WVHS at approx 6 months of age. Her adoption came with a comprehensive exam from a Vet of my choice. I went to Banfield pet hospital located in Salem, Oregon at the local Petsmart.
She had been in great health since then. I had her enrolled in the wellness plan where she received quality care provided by Dr Paoletti and his staff.
Shortly before Christmas in 2011 (mid December) Zipper found a cat in the back yard that had passed away. She brought it in the house. A week or two later she developed a bump on her nose. The next day I took Zipper to the vet to look at it. By that time two bumps developed. Dr Paoletti treated Zipper as if it was a bug or spider bite. She was given benadryl, prednisone and an eye ointment because she developed a third bump on her lower eye lid. (First of January)
By the time we got home and ate dinner she developed a multitude of dime sized bumps. The next day I counted 9. We took Zipper back to the vet every two days, we saw Dr Debellis, we were told that it wasn't acting like a bug or spider bite, that it was moving too quickly to be ring worm and it didn't look like ringworm. She thought I should either take a skin scrapping to see if it was fungal or go to see a dermatologist. We saw a dermatologist named DeManuelle. She spent minutes looking over the situation and said that she believed it would be an autoimmune disorder, not a skin issue. She recommended I have her do a skin biopsy.
We took Zipper home and arranged for Banfield to do a biopsy. After the biopsy they continued her dosage of the prednisone. I asked Dr Debellis what I needed to look out for or the side effects. Dr Debellis said as long as I followed the dosage Zipper would be fine. I would only need to worry if we took her off too quickly. I asked if she could still go on walks and she said she didn't see any reason not to.
On 1/23 (I think) Zipper had her yearly check up still on prednisone. They got the results back that day and found it was ringworm. They continued her dosage of the prednisone for a while and then told me to start to reduce her dosage on 1/30/2012 to 1 tab every other day. On 2/4/2012 she vomited twice. I took her to the vet and they said to stop giving her the last few dosage of prednisone because it can cause GI issues and they gave her some heartburn/GI meds and some pain meds.
Zipper continued to vomit all night long. She could not hold any water down. At 6 am in the morning we drove to Portland to a Banfield clinic that was open on Sunday. They hospitalized her. Ran multiple of tests and found she has Pancreatitis. They kept her all day, giving her fluid via IV. They did x-rays and said that it look like there was fluid in her abdomen. They could not see a perforation or obstruction. They suggested we take her to an overnight clinic where she would have an ultrasound and continued iv fluid.
We brought her to the Salem Emergency Vet on Market. In the morning we planned on bringing her back to Dr. Paoletti and schedule an ultrasound.
She passed away at 12:30 am 2/6
The Emergency Room Vet said he took a sample of the fluid in her abdomen. He said her abdomen was full of a bacteria infection.
-Rita (Zipper's Mom)